I think that Javascript is a very interesting language because it makes things so much easier because there is not as much rules to follow. The language is more flexible and doesn’t need you to conform to the code’s style, such as the same data types in arrays. Other things that helped was the objects you could create it opens much more options than just having constraints of C or Java. The things in C such as the structs, made it a really hard time in C but with Javascript it gives you the options to just use the “:” to connect the variable and the data it is connected to. The warnings are also good because they give you more specific warnings and other thngs such as the highlighting of brackets makes things easier to format.
The WODS always helped me understand a little more of the language faster than I have learned other ones because it introduces coding problems and ways to solve them at a slow but steady pace. It makes for a much easier learning environment to not have to cram it all in in one big project. It gives first hand knowledge of what you have to learn instead of trying to tell someone about how something works and I think that it is a very good asset to have while coding. In a software engineering perspective, it can make things many times faster. This is because it is easier to connect to webpages because it is fitted to work with css and html. This transforms software developement into a much simpler project that can be run on almost any ones computer with internet access. Seeing how Javascript works makes me think that it will be a lot more enjoyable to work with when making applications. After seeing just the surface of what Javascript has to offer and how it works I think that this language will be very compatible in my coding style.