Planning for the future is a very difficult thing to do sometimes because sometimes its hard to see all your options and plan accordingly. Thankfully UH Manoa has RadGrad which has a lot of the different classes and activities that they have. It also recommends you to fill out your full college career and this helps a lot because you are able to see many different fields in computer science. When I first went into the RadGrad website it told me to fill out my schedule so that I would have good classes that would interest me and upcoming events that I could look into to attend to expand on new computer science information. I was very suprised the first time I took a look at the wide range of classes that they had a UH manoa. It goes from the basics, to learning specific languages and then harder classes such as cyber security or operating systems.
Some new things that I have found to be of interest is the networks class and internet saftey. I always thought it seemed interesting to learn how computers connect and how to keep safe when connecting to other computers and services. Also the amount of activities that you are able to attend outside of class time was very interesting because of the size and what type of activities they are. They had things like learning python to the google summer of code. In the end I think that it is a good idea for any incoming Ics student to at least try to fill the plans out even if you might not stick to that exact plan because they allow you to make changes. Also it gives you an overview of all the different type of things that you can do in the Ics program.